I have an Everstar portable air conditioner and have lost the black plug for the back center hole.? - user manual for the air walker
I managed to find a website. Does anybody know where I can order replacement parts, or maybe something I can use instead of preventing the ingress of water into the ground? I also lost the manual and the pipes in air conditioning. Help!
I could not find a website either. From what I understand, is quite import "to import generic" element to business. Anyway, the list of toll-free service in the manual. The number is 1-866-64-Midea. Hope this helps:)
I could not find a website either. From what I understand, is quite import "to import generic" element to business. Anyway, the list of toll-free service in the manual. The number is 1-866-64-Midea. Hope this helps:)
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